Big Fish (10-16 yrs.) Fish & Explore takes campers off site to teach fishing basics and more intensive fishing techniques, including targeting specific fish species, reading the water and navigation safety. All gear including tackle, rods, reels and life jackets supplied. Bring lunch, snack, water bottle, change of clothes, sneakers or river shoes and towel.
Fish and Explore makes it easy for kids to understand how to use equipment with safe capture and handling techniques through instructor demonstrations that result in a better understanding and appreciation of fish and small animals.
Fish and Explore camps are fun, and to keep them that way we focus on exploring the outdoors safely.
Campers will wear lifejackets when in the water or on a boat, and practice catch and release practices
when interacting with wildlife. Our child to counselor ratio is 1:4 in our fishing programs, and 1:6 in all
others, to ensure each child the most attention and supervision when learning through our camps.